
62,22 € TTC

69,13 € TTC


Réf : CC910922

CE Approved Led

ATTO RB - Montage HORIZONTAL - 2 fonctions d'éclairage : Feu Arrière + Frein - Feu Atto RB de Kellermann, longueur: 14 mm, Ø 10 mm, type ampoule: LED, filetage: M5 x 0.5, 12 V, homologué E13. LA PIECE

Une minuscule et pourtant incroyablement puissante combinaison de feu arrière et de feu de stop, dont la surface lumineuse peut se loger quatre fois sur une pièce d’un centime! Ce qui ouvre d’incroyables options d’installation sur la moto, car ce feu arrière Atto ne se remarque vraiment que si on cherche à bien vouloir le montrer. Mais il éclaire alors avec une telle intensité, qu’on ne peut pas l’imaginer de la part de quelque chose d’aussi petit. Outre la fameuse technologie Kellermann HighPower LED, on a droit pour la première fois à la EXtranz (=Extreme Optical Transparency), qui permet cette combinaison. L’ensemble de l’électronique du Atto RB est logée dans le corps métallique, si bien qu’il peut être connecté directement au faisceau électrique 12 volts.


sensationally small, spectacularly bright
EXtranz® - Extreme Optical Transparency Technology
Kellermann HighPower LED Technology
Longlife Protection Guard®, IC operated, 330 kHz
High quality metal housing
Suitable for 12 volt DC applications
With M5x0,5x6,5 fastening screw
Measure: Length 14mm, max. diameter 10mm, glass diameter 7,8mm
European design protection
The Atto® RB/RB Dark is another kid on the block of the highly successful Atto® family and probably the world’s smallest street legal
rear and break light for motorcycles. The Atto®/Atto® Dark already defined a completely new category of indicators: sensationally small
and spectacularly bright. The new rear and break light Atto® RB/RB Dark will be no different, but due to its dual function will take things
even further.
The light surface of the Atto®/Atto Dark would fit four times on a 1 Cent coin! Therefore the tail of a bike can get a complete clean look
and feel. This rear and break light will only grab your attention when it really has to!
The break light of the Atto® RB/RB Dark warns with an intensity that is second to none. It keeps the following traffic at distance.
Therefore the Atto® RB/RB Dark is enhancing safety on the road.
The Atto® RB/RB Dark can be installed in different ways and offers more options to individualize a bike. It can be mounted in pairs or
centrally as a single light!
The optimized light channeling is managed through a smart system of lenses and reflectors. This combination is possible thanks to
the use of the well known Kellermann HighPower LED technology**, along with the new EXtranz® - Extreme Optical Transparency
The complete electronics of the Atto® RB/RB Dark are in the casing, this rear and break light can be plugged into the 12 volt net directly.*